Jerry “Jer” Cesak Visits Blossom Valley

“Mr. Jerry Cesak, the “Jer” from the “Jeff and Jer Showgram” on KYXY 96.5 recently visited Blossom Valley Elementary School.  He visited Mrs. Jordan’s 3rd Grade class and shared his children’s book, My Personal Panther.  Mr. Cesak read his book as Mrs. Jordan’s students all followed along in their very own, signed copies of this wonderful book.  Mr. Cesak was very generous with his time, welcoming questions from our students about his writing process, how he got his book published and how long that process took.  Mr. Cesak even sent a “shout out” to Mrs. Jordan’s class on his morning radio “showgram” the next morning.  Blossom Valley would like to thank Mr. Cesak and the Pizzuto family for helping to make this special event possible, and for giving our students an experience they will never forget.”

Additionally, Jodi Kodesh, meteorologist from KNSD 7, will be coming to visit our fifth grade students on Monday morning. She is going to discuss the weather and her job as a meteorologist. This visitation was scheduled by Christina Shields (fifth grade science teacher). I believe that Mrs. Kodesh plans on giving Blossom Valley a shout out, on the air, Monday morning.

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