Hour of Code Contest and Code School Update

We will be announcing the winning school, classes, and individuals from the 1st Annual Cajon Valley Hour of Code Contest next week. With participation from all CVUSD schools, eleven with 100% participation, and over 12,560 total participants, we are looking forward to celebrating this accomplishment by awarding a select number of prizes. Students interested in further developing coding skills can now experience computer science classes and events at the “Code Campus” at Emerald Middle School. The first “Hour of Code” Saturday will take place on February 7– which will kickoff free and low-cost ongoing classes, events, and camps. Feedback on the Code Campus has been very positive. Regarding the Winter Camp held in January, parent testimonials included things like: “When I asked my boys if there were any suggestions for improvements, I got a strong ‘no way, it was perfect!!’” and “This organization runs a fantastic camp…I would highly recommend!” Check out the events schedule at www.CodeToTheFuture.com, and stay tuned for an announcement featuring The Hour of Code Contest winners soon.

Andrew Svehaug, CEO

Code to the Future


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